Лавандово-белый верх, сливово-пурпурный низ. Широкий, на выставочном цветоносе. Хорошо передает ветвистость потомству.
Уолтер Мур:"I almost missed this one. I was not impressed with the catalog picture and the description didn't get my attention. It was sent to me as an extra, and when it bloomed, I was smitten. Light lavenderish white stds. over the plum falls make a nice color combo. But, what is so outstanding and unexpected was its masculinity. Husky stalks and really heavy substance. Strong growth, too. Not a wimp that has to be coddled". Высота цветоноса : 36" (90 см) Срок цветения : ML Награды : HM'1999, AM'2001